原文连接:Hanyi on ET: 最常用的Notepad++的快捷键
http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/shortcuts.php这上面有完整的快捷键表格, 但是很多都记不住,因为很少用。 除了Ctrl-C,Ctrl-X,Ctrl-V,Ctrl-Y,Ctrl-A,Ctrl-F,Ctrl-S,Ctrl-O,Ctrl-N, Ctrl-W,Ctrl-Tab,Ctrl-P,Alt- F4这些基本的, 也许有些简单的比较有用的快捷键,你可能有兴趣知道。
- Ctrl-H 打开Find / Replace 对话框
- Ctrl-D 复制当前行
- Ctrl-L 删除当前行
- Ctrl-T 上下行交换
- F3 找下一个
- Shift-F3 找上一个
- Ctrl-Shift-F 在文件中找
- Ctrl-F2 触发书签
- F2 到前一个书签
- Shift-F2 到下一个书签
- F5 打开run对话框
- Ctrl-Space 打开CallTip列表框
- Tab (selection of several lines) 加入Space
- Shift-Tab (selection of several lines) 移除Space
- F11 全屏
- Alt-0 折叠全部
- Alt-Shift-0 展开全部
- Ctrl-U 变为小写
- Ctrl-Shift-U 变为大写
- Ctrl-Q 块注释/消除注释
- Ctrl-C Copy
- Ctrl-X Cut
- Ctrl-V Paste
- Ctrl-Z Undo
- Ctrl-Y Redo
- Ctrl-A Select All
- Ctrl-F Launch Find Dialog
- Ctrl-H Launch Find / Replace Dialog
- Ctrl-D Duplicate Current Line
- Ctrl-L Delete Current Line
- Ctrl-T Switch the current line position with the previous line position
- F3 Find Next
- Shift-F3 Find Previous
- Ctrl-Shift-F Find in Files
- Ctrl-F3 Find (volatil) Next
- Ctrl-Shift-F3 Find (volatil) Previous
- Ctrl-Shift-I Incremental Search
- Ctrl-S Save File
- Ctrl-Alt-S Save As
- Ctrl-Shift-S Save All
- Ctrl-O Open File
- Ctrl-N New File
- Ctrl-F2 Toggle Bookmark
- F2 Go To Next Bookmark
- Shift-F2 Go To Previous Bookmark
- Ctrl-G Launch GoToLine Dialog
- Ctrl-W Close Current Document
- Alt-Shift-Arrow keys or Alt + Left mouse click
- Column Mode Select
- Launch Run Dialog
- Launch CallTip ListBox
- Launch Word Completion ListBox
- Insert Tabulation or Space (Indent)
- Remove Tabulation or Space (outdent)
- Ctrl + mouse wheel button (if any)**
- Ctrl-Keypad/
- F11
- Ctrl-Tab
- Ctrl-Shift-Tab
- Ctrl-Shift-Up
- Ctrl-Shift-Down
- Ctrl-Alt-F
- Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F
- Alt-0
- Alt-(1~8)
- Alt-Shift-0
- Alt-Shift-(1~8)
- Ctrl-BackSpace
- Ctrl-Delete
- Ctrl-Shift-BackSpace
- Ctrl-Shift-Delete
- Ctrl-U
- Ctrl-Shift-U Convert to UPPER CASE
- Ctrl-B Go to matching brace
- Ctrl-Shift-R Start to record /Stop recording the macro
- Ctrl-Shift-P Play recorded macro
- Ctrl-Q Block comment/uncomment
- Ctrl-Shift-Q Stream comment
- Ctrl-Shift-T Copy current line to clipboard
- Ctrl-P Print
- Alt-F4 Exit
- Ctrl-I Split Lines
- Ctrl-J Join Lines
- Ctrl-Alt-R Text Direction RTL
- Ctrl-Alt-L Text Direction LTR
- F1 About
原文链接: 最常用的Notepad++的快捷键 | Log4D