09_09_09在Windows Live Writer下修正
关于Python和Perl,我并没有什么谁优谁劣的看法,只是感觉Python可能资料会多一点,而且Google App Enginee支持Python,所以选择了Python。
'makeTextFile.py -- create text file' import os ls = os.linesep #get filename while True: fname = raw_input('> a txt file path') if os.path.exists(fname): print "Error: '%s' already exists" % fname else: break all = [] print "nEnter lines {'.' by itself to quit).n" #loop until user terminates input while True: entry = raw_input('> ') if entry == '.': break; else: all.append(entry) fobj = open(fname, 'w') fobj.writelines(['%s%s' %(x, ls) for x in all]) fobj.close() print 'Done' raw_input('Press Enter to close') readTextFile.py 'readTextFile.py -- read and display text file' fname = raw_input('Enter filename:') print #attend to open file for reading try: fobj = open(fname, 'r') except IOError, e: print '*** file open error:', e else: for eachLine in fobj: print eachLine, fobj.close raw_input('Press Enter to close') 原书中的输入在while那里出现了错误,压根没有raw_input这行代码,看了china- pub评论,这本书的确存在一些错误,不过在我看来,瑕不掩瑜拉,还是一本入门的好书。